We suggest using the HTML5 consoles before trying to use VMRC consoles. Using the HTML5 consoles are often simpler, require no additional software to be installed, and is the most common option we support.
If you are having issues with the HTML5 consoles please review the support solution, "The HTML5 Console is Not Working Right!", before switching to VMRC consoles.
If VMRC consoles are your only option there are a few reasons why one could have issues installing VMRC. The most common reason is that VMware Workstation (for Windows or Linux) or Fusion (for MacOS or OSX) is already installed on your computer. While this is not always an issue it occurs most frequently on Windows Operating Systems. Luckily if you have VMware Workstation or Fusion installed you don't need VMRC as you can use that to access consoles instead.
When using Workstation or Fusion in place of VMRC just select the "VMRC" console button under the "Open Console" column within the NICE Challenge Webportal with a workspace when a challenge is deployed. If it does not automatically open the console to the virtual machine in Workstation or Fusion you will need to make Workstation or Fusion the default application for opening URI that follow the "vmrc://" scheme as this is how your browser will receive the VMRC console connection from the NICE Challenge Webportal. This process is specific to the browser you are using to access the NICE Challenge Webportal.